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Travel Industry Traffic At Highest Point Since March

 min read
September 1, 2020
The Botify Team

If you're thinking about holiday travel, so is everyone else!

Our featured COVID winner this week is the travel industry (flights and trains), which is up 3% week-over-week, 5% over last month, and still down ~34% against pre-COVID average, although hasn't been higher since the second week in March!

As folks prepare for holiday travel, Google search clicks to sites to book flights and trains are definitely on the rise. This trend comes alongside unprecedented airline layoffs and requests for government aid (source).

Contributing to this uptick in travel industry traffic is a surge in searches for keywords such as:

  • flights to [various locations]
  • airline travel restrictions
  • train tickets / cheap train tickets
  • ...and lots of people wondering if they can bring their dogs to Hawaii

In other news, here are our top COVID all-time winners as well as 1-month trending winners.

Top COVID All-time Winners

Weddings - Media up 1% week-over-week, 6% over last month, 15% against pre-COVID average.

Health - Services up 6% week-over-week, 16% over last month, 71% against pre-COVID average.

1 Month Trending Winners

Education Services up 4% week-over-week, 13% over last month, -22% against pre-COVID average.

Real Estate Services - Commercial up 2% week-over-week, 11% over last month, 15% against pre-COVID average.

Job / Career Services up 1% week-over-week, 7% over last month, -17% against pre-COVID average.

Utility & Construction Retail up 4% week-over-week, 4% over last month, 9% against pre-COVID average.

Travel - Cruise up 4% week-over-week, 4% over last month, -76% against pre-COVID average.

Shows & Events Retail up 1% week-over-week, 1% over last month, -90% against pre-COVID average.

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