We had a great turn-out at Thursday's meet-up: The Specifics of SEO for E-Commerce!Retail sites have their own set of challenges when it comes to SEO, from high volumes of pages thanks to product catalogs to structuring highly complex sites to, of course, conversion.Our great speakers had plenty of information to share with the room and answered a lot of important questions about the things that matter most to e-commerce-industry SEOs.
We're ready to welcome our guests for tonight's #BotifyMeetup in our new Paris offices @ 22 rue Royale ! #SEO #Ecommerce pic.twitter.com/WXpzUXcSxs
— Botify (@botify) November 3, 2016
SEO & E-Commerce: Botify Meetup Highlights
Did you miss out on our latest meetup? There's no reason you have to miss out on all of the valuable information we shared!We know it's not always easy to make it to every event, so here are the highlights of our latest Botify Meetup!
Topic #1: Product Pages
To keep us organized, moderator Alpha Keita took the reins asking our speakers the tough questions about each aspect of e-commerce SEO. First up? Dealing with product pages.
- How do you manage product pages with little content?
- How do you deal with pages for products that are identical to competitors'?
- How do you handle products that are too similar to one another, or products that go out of stock?
- What about seasonal product pages?
Non slmt ne pas indexer ts les critères mais ne pas indexer ttes les valeurs. Favoriser par ex les tailles les plus courantes #botifymeetup
— Sebastien Monnier (@smonnier) November 3, 2016
Don't just index all the criteria
De l'utilisation du robot linguiste pour nourrir les fiches produits e-commerce #botifymeetup pic.twitter.com/u7JKnGCPdZ
— Sebastien Monnier (@smonnier) November 3, 2016
*About the utilization of linguistic robots to feed e-commerce product pages*
Analyse sémantique très poussée et "cocon" sémantique pour la stratégie d'un site e-commerce entendu au #meetup #SEO #botify
— Speedwell Duong :D (@veroduong) November 3, 2016
Ne pas supprimer les pages marronnier (Noël, fête des mères ) d'1 an sur l'autre. Gardez les URL #botifymeetup
— Sebastien Monnier (@smonnier) November 3, 2016
Don't delete seasonal pages (Christmas, Mother's Day) from one year to the next
Topic #2: Site Structure & Accessibility
Optimizing the structure of an e-commerce site is half the battle in SEO, but it's not always straightforward.
- Descending navigation allows visitors to discover and order content from the Home page.
- Faceted navigation can pose 2 types of problems: How do you identify which facets can drive organic traffic? How do you avoid creating millions of useless pages?
- Horizontal navigation, creating links between similar products for example, is often underestimated.
- How do you monitor the accessibility of content according to navigation structure?
Attention aux facettes toujours définir un ordre pour la création d'url pour éviter le duplicate sinon gestion canonical #seo #BotifyMeetup
— Julien ringard (@jringard) November 3, 2016
Pay attention to facets, always define an order for URL creation to avoid duplicates if not canonical [tag] management
How do you manage accessibility of content with millions pages or products? #BotifyMeetup #SEO
— Elizabeth J Vincent (@ElizJVincent) November 3, 2016
"Avoir la plus belle structure technique sans les bons termes, ça sert à rien" #ecommerce #meetup #seo @botify
— Speedwell Duong :D (@veroduong) November 3, 2016
Having the best technical structure without the right terms does no good
Topic #3: Visitors & Conversion
Ultimately, on an e-commerce site, the end goal is to increase sales and revenue by converting the visitors that have been driven to your site.
- Before arriving on a product page to convert, a customer will often pass through other "hub" pages or lists. How do you follow this conversion path?
- What are the impacts of structural data on product pages?
- What are the impacts of page load time on conversion?
- How do you optimize conversion rate? How do you work together with SEO and UX teams?
Certaines hausses de crawl peuvent être le symptome d'un futur ajustement négatif par Google #botifymeetup pic.twitter.com/dkyqxnht3q
— Sebastien Monnier (@smonnier) November 3, 2016
Some increases in crawl might be a symptom of an upcoming negative adjustment by Google
Final thoughts on E-Commerce SEO
Bon meetup sur le ecommerce #BotifyMeetup #paris #seo pic.twitter.com/HuUYlrhGWB https://t.co/jDgcDc1NmW
— Frédéric Vasseur (@VasseurFred) November 7, 2016
Great meetup about e-commerce
Merci @botify pour cet événement ! https://t.co/9sh5ecvO8U
— SLAP digital (@SLAPdigital) November 4, 2016