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Remembering and Honoring Stan Chauvin, Our Friend & Leader

 min read
September 16, 2024
Adrien Menard
Co-founder & CEO

To our Botify community:

It is with great sadness that we share the unexpected passing of our co-founder and co-chief innovation officer, Stan Chauvin. At this time, our thoughts are with Stan’s family and loved ones as they navigate this difficult loss. We offer them our deepest condolences and unwavering support.

The entire Botify community will deeply miss our dear friend and cherish the countless memories we all share of our times together with Stan. He was an incredible man who brought so much to all whose lives he touched. We are grateful for everything Stan taught us and for all of the cherished moments we spent with him that will live on in our memories forever.

Botify would not be what it is today without Stan’s initial spark of inspiration and the countless contributions he made to advancing our industry and company. Stan’s contributions to the company and the industry were immeasurable. Throughout his career, he was instrumental in developing some of the most advanced SEO technologies and methodologies, revolutionizing the way businesses optimize their websites. As a driving force behind Botify's innovations, Stan led the creation of key tools that empowered companies to improve their search engine visibility, ultimately boosting their digital growth.

Stan was not only a visionary leader who helped build Botify, but also a true pioneer in the world of SEO. His unmatched knowledge of search engines and his passion for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible transformed the way businesses approach their digital presence. His expertise was sought after by many, and he was widely respected as one of the leading minds in the field.

Stan’s passion and vision for the future of search technology fueled many late night debates among friends and colleagues. He helped shape best practices and inspired countless professionals in the SEO community. He pushed the boundaries of technology and data analytics, laying the groundwork for many of the industry’s current innovations. Stan’s belief in the power of search technology to drive business growth and his relentless pursuit of excellence laid the foundation for our success. We are committed to honoring his legacy by continuing to push beyond boundaries and deliver on the vision he always championed for so deeply.

While we process this loss, we want to reassure our customers, partners, and community that our commitment to you remains steadfast. The strength of our team and the vision Stan helped create will continue to guide us forward with the same drive and dedication. Stan’s legacy will live on forever as we continue to execute his vision for our industry together in his honor. 

We appreciate your understanding and support during this time, and we remain available to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and for standing with us as we honor Stan’s memory.


Adrien Menard (CEO), Thomas Grange (CIO), & the Botify Team

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