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A Christmas Gift To You: The New Version Of Botify Analytics. Enjoy!

 min read
December 18, 2014
Annabelle Bouard
Director of Education & Training Services

Hi all, We've always said that our objective is to create the world's best SEO tool with non-stop evolutions and improvements. Step after step, we do everything possible to improve Botify Analytics, and today is a very special day.We are happy and proud to announce the release of an upgraded version of the application.

Our recipe was really simple: keep the best of Botify Analytics and improve every feature that could be.With this idea in mind, the new Botify Analytics now includes:

Trending: Follow Your Website's Performance Over Time

No need to manually compare successive reports. We'll do it for you.

A Completely Redesigned Report with a More Intuitive UX

Our idea here is to make it as simple as possible for you to find optimizations and navigate between charts and detailed data.

An Improved Version of the URL Explorer

Get advanced analysis details and create queries and filters based on hundreds of indicators.

Tons of New Advanced Settings

  • Activate/Disable follow/no-follow crawl,
  • Include/Exclude http/https,
  • Customize the crawl: speed and scope, page depth, user-agent, virtual robots.txt etc. to crawl exactly what needs to be crawled,
  • Crawl of a pre-production version of your wesbite,
  • Connect a Google Analytics account to track SEO & SMO traffic and active URLs,
  • Add your sitemaps to audit their performance (URLs not in sitemaps, broken links, bad HTTP status code etc.),
  • And many more...

A Powerful Browser Plugin

The Botify plugin displays your top SEO indicators when you are browsing your website. You won't miss any SEO issue.

An Unlimited Volume of URLs for Your Crawl

No matter your website's size, we'll be there for you and we bet you won't reach our crawler's limits.Interested in more? Read the full list of Botify's powerful features.We are available for any questions or feedback you may have.Looking forward to customers telling us how this new version of Botify Analytics helped generate more $$$ for them!Other new features will be released soon. Stay tuned!Adrien (CEO) and Thomas (CTO)PS: We also want to thank our team who was incredibly committed to this new release. Great job, team!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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