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New! Create Custom Metrics Tables For Tailored SEO Insights

 min read
December 15, 2016
The Botify Team

Do you ever wish you could create your own analytics report, focusing on the metrics you need all in one place?Well, now you can!Uncover new SEO insights with customized data tables using any indicators from any section of your dashboard. Generate powerful analyses and drive impactful SEO results with new insights thanks to Botify's latest feature: Metrics Tables.

Drive SEO Results with Custom Data Tables

Identify new opportunities for SEO growth! Mix and match your indicators to create reports you couldn't see before. No matter what section of the report your metrics are in, you can combine them to uncover hidden insights and new ways to boost organic growth.

What can you do with Metrics Tables?

  • See how your site structure is affecting organic traffic: Create a table to compare organic visits to structural indicators: Include Sum of Visits, % of Internal PageRank, Average Depth, Min., Max, and Average Number of Inlinks all charted by Segment for detailed insights.
  • Compare Mobile & Desktop sites: View indicator data for multiple versions of your website to compare Traffic data, site structure, and other SEO metrics.
  • Track content uniqueness over time: View your content quality by Segment and for specific URLs that generate organic traffic (Active Pages) and those that don't to see how duplicate content trends from one analysis to the next.

Quickly view several indicators together at one time to get the comprehensive view you need, without accessing multiple sections of the report or applying multiple filters. The possibilities are endless!

Create Custom Tables with Any SEO Indicators

Custom Metrics Tables are now available in a brand new report section of Botify Analytics!With Botify, you have access to a ton of information about your site, but often your indicators are located in separate views. Metrics Tables allow you to combine your critical metrics into one view, to see more cause and effect in your data.

Create a custom display to view:

  • Changes over time (across multiple reports) for a single indicator
  • Multiple indicators from any section of the dashboard
  • Trend Lines that are not present in the report
  • Specific combinations of data tailored to your questions (like Internal PageRank by Segment and HTTP Status Code)
  • Consolidated indicator graphs not in the report (like Title Length, H3 tags, etc.)

View your data in new combinations, over time and across report sections, to discover more about your website and determine new SEO strategies.

Botify Built for You

You wanted an easier way to see your important indicators, and we heard you. At Botify, we're dedicated to building features that make it easier for you to access your data and get actionable insights that drive SEO results.With custom Metrics Tables, choose the metrics you want to see, from any section of your dashboard. Plus, try our new Advanced Data Exports to access up to 100 million URLs in a single download!What do you want to see next from Botify? Let us know!Contact your Botify representative to try Metrics Tables now. Get in touch.

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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