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Botify's Top Innovations Of 2018: A Year Of New Frontiers For Our Customers

 min read
December 20, 2018
The Botify Team

2018 was a bold year for Botify and our customer base!Our objective is to always bring search professionals to the next level of SEO analysis, with solutions that encapsulate our commitment to innovation and our customer-first mentality. Our releases this year brought us closer to this stated mission, helping SEOs conquer the organic search process.And now that the year is over, we wanted to highlight the top Botify innovations that made 2018 extra special!

Structured Data Analysis: Audit Your Schema, Enterprise-Scale, For Competitive Search Advantages

Google's latest moves on topics such as rich results, voice search, and job postings signal that the era of structured data is here!In 2018, Botify began collecting and analyzing structured data for all crawled webpages. With this unmatched volume, we've given our customers structured data optimizations on an unprecedented enterprise scale.Structured data enables you to gain more SERP space and higher CTR through rich results. Generate rich results and beyond with Botify's structured data analysis:

  • Discover structured data errors automatically.
  • Export URLs with structured data issues to identify all pages that can't generate rich results.
  • Crawl competitors' sites to discover key information about their structured data use and content.
  • Segment and filter pages using structured data, like any other KPI in the Botify platform.
  • Combine structured data with 500+ SEO KPIs to drive strategic SEO decisions

With Botify, you can use structured data not just to generate rich results, but also to illuminate technical SEO insights. Chart crawl frequency by product ratings to find highly rated pages that need increased visibility. Analyze article author against content size and real ranking to improve content quality.Make your structured data an asset in more ways than one with Botify!

Content Quality Dashboard: Analyze All of Google's Multivariate Content Ranking Signals in One Place

Ascendant technologies such as AMP, structured data, and mobile devices have all impacted the way Google assesses content quality. At the same time, the mainstays of content quality - like length, duplication, and template versus non-template - continue to play fundamental roles.In 2018, Botify became the only platform that bridges this gap between old and new in the realm of content quality, as recognized by our win at the Grand Prix du Search 2018 for our AI project about analyzing templated/not templated content.Our content quality analysis is designed to track and analyze all of Google's multivariate content ranking signals, on the largest scale imaginable…in a new single dashboard! Here's a rundown of the new dashboard:

  • Evaluate Your Content Like Google Does: Botify is the only platform that separates templated material (navigation, footers, sidebar) from the actual content of the page. Botify, like Google, analyzes content uniqueness, or the percentage of the page that's unique to each specific page, including content thinness. Like Google, Botify analyzes page similarity, on an enterprise scale.
  • Prepare for the Mobile-First Index: - Match the Parity Between Your Mobile & Desktop Content: Compare mobile vs. desktop content to ensure parity and content quality across all versions of your site. Match AMP pages to their desktop equivalents with interactive charts that map similarity across site segments. For the first time, understand the relationship between mobile page compliance and organic visits.
  • Target Opportunities & Find Optimizations with Dedicated Structured Data Insights: Optimize structured data on your website by identifying structured data errors, at scale. Understand how different structured data types are deployed across your website to spot opportunities.
  • Analyze the Classic SEO Components: Hone in on potentially quick and easy optimizations across facets such as HTML tags. Correct duplicate titles to differentiate content and target key searchers. Add meta descriptions to increase click through rate from the SERP. Ensure canonicals are implemented properly. Understand anchor text distribution across a website.

Botify's new content quality dashboard comes stacked with everything that makes Botify unique, including segmentation, comparison over time, and enterprise exports.

Visits Report: Reorient Your Visits Data for Radical New Insights

With revolutionary visibility, our new Visits Report is a comprehensive solution that captures the many facets of traffic, delivering AMP and multi-device metrics, visits quality KPIs, the impact of content, and the influence of a diverse set of SEO indicators all on the same axis. Some of the most notable innovations include:

  • Approach the Mobile-First Index with Granular AMP & Multi-Device Insights: Uncover active (traffic-generating) pages, average session duration, load time, and more, all separated by device. Evaluate metrics by segment. Understand how your AMP pages factor into visits volume overall and by segment. Measure bounce rates of AMP pages and session duration.
  • Monitor Content Quality to Understand How Your Priorities Are Paying Off: Visits Report directly ties organic visits to content quality markers, at scale. Understand how content size, content duplication, and page title and h1 tag uniqueness effect visits distribution and your site's number of active URLs.
  • Evaluating the Quality of Your Visits Is Made Easy: Just how valuable did visitors find your content? Dive into visits quality through bounce rate by device, bounce rate distribution, and session duration. Google also uses these metrics as ranking signals. With Visits Report, you can finally understand how content quality impacts your traffic.
  • Come Full Circle: Combine Visits & Technical SEO to Optimize the Entire Organic Search Process: Visits Report takes traffic several steps beyond standard analytics tools by contextualizing organic visits with quality markers. Understand the impact of inlinks on visits. Evaluate internal PageRank, page depth, and load time alongside key content and device metrics.

Visits Report is the only solution that illuminates how content and technical SEO directly impact visits performance.

JavaScript Crawl: Illuminate the Hidden Indexable Content on Your Site

This year, we pushed the limit on the scale that you can crawl and analyze JavaScript content. Our first-in-class JavaScript crawler can now handle larger JS sites, servicing even the most complex and demanding stacks on the web today. Botify empowers users to analyze JavaScript content with a robust set of SEO KPIs, extracting actionable insights that result in tangible ROI.Botify's JavaScript crawl can evaluate text rendered with JavaScript, capture and follow href links rendered with JS, and follow JS redirects. New JavaScript-specific metrics are being added into the platform daily, including key KPIs such as:

  • No. Resources Executed
  • First Meaningful Paint
  • Delay to Render the Page
  • No. of Resources Crawler Failed to Fetch
  • No. of Resources Allowed
  • Among others!

The Botify crawler also excludes certain JS files, such as web analytics and cache resources, to reduce stress on the crawled website. Botify's JavaScript capabilities ultimately improve the comprehensiveness of your site crawls and help you to understand the implications of all your indexable content.

Crawl Comparison: Instantly Compare Two Crawls, Including Reports & KPIs, to Map Changes Over Time

Botify's new comparison capabilities allow SEOs to instantly compare any Botify KPI with that of a past analysis.Whether the change was enacted one week ago, one month ago, or one year ago, our comparison feature dynamically renders instant analysis of the changes between any two Botify crawls or KPIs of your choice.Immediately compare any data point between two Botify analyses, from the biggest top level reports, to the most granular, specific KPIs. Botify's crawl comparison is the most detailed - and only - solution that can reveal how any facet of a website has changed for the better... or for the worse.Our customers have created their own use cases. But some important uses of this new feature at both the URL and site segment level include the ability to:

  • Compare mobile vs. desktop site versions to ensure a smooth entry into the mobile-first index.
  • Pinpoint traffic declines between periods to discover the active pages that show a decreasing number of visits over time.
  • Identify the number of added or disappeared pages within a section or subsection of a website.
  • Contrast the HTML code between two versions of the same webpage.
  • Identify if Google is crawling strategic pages more or less frequently.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of optimizations on page speed.

And many more!No more guesswork. Botify's new comparison feature eliminates all uncertainty about what impact SEO projects have on your digital assets.

50 Million Page Crawl: Once a Dream, Now a Reality, the Limit Is Broken Again

This year Botify became the first SEO platform to offer a 50 million page crawl SaaS subscription, allowing customers to evaluate up to 50 million pages per crawl, analyzing 500+ content, ranking, and technical SEO KPIs per page.But even at this gigantic scale, the 50 million page crawl still includes all the same analytics and features that make our platform the superior technical SEO solution for enterprise websites.Customers can now analyze up to 50 million pages in a single crawl with all of their favorite Botify features, including:

  • Segmentation
  • 500+ content, ranking, and technical SEO KPIs
  • Content quality analysis
  • Custom reports
  • JavaScript analysis
  • Historical trends
  • Real rankings
  • Crawl budget analysis
  • Unlimited data exports

Among others!

HTML Extract Select: Easily Create Custom KPIs That Answer the Specific Needs of Your Business

Enable faster, easier custom data extraction with one of our top innovations from 2018, HTML Extract Select!Gather custom HTML content, such as product prices and stock quantities, for every page on your website using CSS selectors. This custom data can assist not just your SEO efforts, but also important business decisions.With a single CSS selector you can compile its associated HTML fragments, attributes, or tags across your entire website. Botify users have an expansive set of potential custom data insights available to them including:

  • Date, contributor, modified date, page type
  • Product discounts
  • Date first seen, date sold out, date restocked
  • Number of products sold
  • Number of comments in blog posts
  • Content ratings
  • Results count in internal search results page #

Easily create the KPIs that mirror the specific needs of your business with HTML Extract Select - all in a simple copy/paste!

XML Sitemap Generator: Generate Strategic Sitemaps in a Single Click

Compiling "strategic" XML sitemaps of a targeted set of URLs, at an enterprise scale, can be time consuming and difficult. But in 2018, Botify streamlined the process by reducing XML Sitemap generation for enterprise websites to single click.The Botify XML Sitemap Generator eliminates the grunt work in the sitemap creation process by automatically generating a proper XML sitemap from your own customized list of URLs. An instant, downloadable sitemap can be created at the click of a button.SEOs can also organize sitemaps by segment of the site or prioritize high-value content in sitemaps. With Botify, SEOs can use any of the 500+ SEO KPIs provided by the Botify suite to uncover strategic pages that could benefit from inclusion in a sitemap, such as:

  • Non-active, but indexable pages
  • Pages uncrawled by Google
  • URLs with a low number of inlinks
  • Pages with decent word count
  • URLs that have high content uniqueness
  • Pages with low content duplication

And any scenario that will be valuable for your SEO strategy!

Botify Google Data Studio Integration: Use Your Botify KPIs to Build Endless Custom Data Visualizations

Take creative control! Build custom dashboards to fully visualize all the metrics that matter the most to your business, in one place, with our new Google Data Studio integration.Sometimes your SEO performance, KPIs, and implementation require unique, cross-platform reports to tell the stories hidden within your data. To empower you to tell those stories, we've integrated our award-winning metrics with Google Data Studio so you can build the perfect custom dashboards.Google Data Studio turns any data into visualized reports that are easy to read, simple to share, and fully customizable. You can visualize your data from over 120 different platforms - including Google Analytics, BigQuery, and Google Search Console - all in the same place. And now you can integrate all of Botify's SEO KPIs with Google Data Studio, too!

Link Explorer: Fully Map Your Site's Linking Architecture

Internal linking is a powerful tool, but manipulating internal links at scale can be difficult. Our new Link Explorer makes it easy to clean and optimize your internal linking!With Link Explorer, all linking related KPIs become a potential filter for your reports and customized linking exports, such as listing all low quality pages with broken links to a strategic segment. Any other Botify KPI, like anchor text, Google crawl volume on source page, and PageRank, can be used to complete your report or export.Now you can thoroughly audit internal linking across your website, controlling for hundreds of variations in linking possibilities, to construct the link architecture that will serve as a foundation for growth and performance on your site.

Conversion Forecasts: Harness User Interest to Project Revenue

Whether it's analyzing organic traffic or improving bounce rate, Botify has always given SEOs real user data so they can shape key optimizations that ultimately boost their conversion rates.Now, with the addition of conversion estimates, these metrics are coming full circle! Botify's new conversion forecasts empower SEOs to precisely estimate - and fully optimize - their site's biggest revenue opportunities.Using contextualized visits data taken directly from Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and other source platforms, conversion forecasts estimate revenue - on both a site-wide and page-by-page basis - based on the number of visits to each page.

Primed and Ready for 2019!

2018 continued our tremendous growth, and we're looking forward to 2019! The innovations that we showcased in this blog are good highlights, but they're by no means the only features we released this year.Our team is constantly innovating our platform to exceed our customers' expectations. These features are notable samples among many others, but they all illuminate the vision and depth of our platform.Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get the first word on our upcoming features!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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