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E-Commerce SEO

Tips To Convert Your Traffic For The Holidays

 min read
November 19, 2019
The AB Tasty Team

SEO is a key factor in driving traffic to your website. But just as important is making sure that traffic converts once you have it! If you're an e-commerce site or similar, this is especially true around the holiday season, when the number of visits to your site are sure to spike. That's why we've teamed up with the customer experience company AB Tasty to provide a few quick and easy tips for how to convert this precious traffic over the Winter Holiday season.Any digital marketer knows that website traffic spikes during the holiday season.More specifically, the five days from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday is one of the most intense shopping periods of the year.In fact, in 2018 the NRF reported that from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday, more than 165 million Americans shopped either in stores or online. The average shopper spent $313.29, and the biggest spenders turned out to be those between the ages of 35 and 44, at $413.05.And then, once we've finished our Thanksgiving leftovers, we roll into the Christmas and Winter Holidays. Gifts for family, friends, and colleagues, decorations and good food and drink - November and December are a spending bonanza for many consumers.For e-commerce sites, these are naturally massive opportunities to convert your traffic into transactions.Read on for some quick and easy tips on how to turn browsers into buyers during this holiday season.

Create Urgency with Countdown Banners

While kids count down the arrival of Santa Claus with bated breath, teens and adults alike check their calendars for the start and end of Black Friday and Winter Holiday sales. A simple countdown banner can be extremely effective at both communicating a sense of urgency and drawing attention to time-limited offers, discounts, or even attractive shipping policies.

Personalize Your Homepage

For the holidays, brick-and-mortar locations are decked out in lights and decorations, with their most attractive products displayed prominently in the window. For websites, what's the equivalent? E-commerce managers can work with their design team to personalize their homepage to draw attention to their best discounts or product categories, or even create a new tab on their navigation bar for 'gift ideas', 'holiday deals,' and similar.

Limit Bounces and Capture Attention with Pop-Ins

Pop-ins, especially those triggered on exit intent, that announce an attractive offer can go a long way in keeping a shopper on your site, and not a competitor's.Our client and French undergarment company Le Slip Français put a Christmas-themed exit intent pop-in in place to great success. Triggered using geolocation technology, the pop-in promoted products made in the region of the web browsers. So, if you were from Brittany, you would be pushed products from that region. The impact? Post-click transactions rose by 11%. The pop-in reads: 'A gift that's (really) made near you. The best from Le Slip made in Brittany'

Create a Festive Effect

Not all of your campaigns need to be focused directly on increasing transactions for the holidays. Keep your brand top of mind with a dusting of snow flakes or a Santa hat placed at a jaunty angle on your logo.

Add a Promotional Banner

The holiday season is synonymous with gift-giving and therefore significant spending. As purchases get heavier and wallets lighter, visitors to your website may start growing more receptive to messages about special offers and discounts. With this in mind, a visible banner at the top or bottom of your page can be an effective way to inform visitors of current deals.


There you have it -- a few quick win tips to converting your traffic for the holidays. If we were to boil it down to a few points, it would have to be that creating urgency, using your prime digital real estate effectively, and adding a bit of holiday cheer are the perfect ingredients to drawing in and converting your website visitors. The best part? These tips are easy to put in place in minutes flat!

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