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BotifyCONNECT London & Paris: World's Leading SEOs Illuminate JavaScript's Impact On SEO

 min read
July 3, 2018
The Botify Team

At our latest BotifyCONNECTs in London and Paris, Botifyers and our diverse enterprise clients came together to find out what JavaScript's real impact is on SEO!BotifyCONNECT gives our rapidly growing global community a chance to converse with fellow enterprise SEOs, pose questions, and share insights about the biggest topics in search optimization today. BotifyCONNECT was held simultaneously at all three of our international offices - Paris, New York City, and London. Now, here's a recap of our BotifyCONNECTs in London and Paris!

BotifyCONNECT Fosters the Great Debate: How Does JavaScript Influence SEO?

The day started out in our London offices with a free breakfast and some casual networking among many of the industry's leading enterprise SEOs.Later that day, the Paris office hosted its own BotifyCONNECT, replete with free drinks and snacks!The spirited discussion about JavaScript's impact on SEO was anchored by Botify Search Data Strategists Annabelle Bouard (London) and Dimitri Brunel (Paris).Both of our search experts outlined:

  1. Quick refresher: What is JavaScript? - Why is it so widely used?
  2. Why is JS important for SEO? - How important is it for your website?
  3. How does JS affect Search Engines? - What does Google say about JS?
  4. What can SEO managers check? - What can you do at the moment with free tools and with Botify?

Topics of discussion included:

  • How JavaScript is seen by browsers & crawlers
  • "Renderability" assessments
  • The way JS affects search engines
  • How Googlebot crawl, renders, and indexes JS content
  • The use of tools such as Botify to measure JavaScript's impact on SEO

All of the topics were used as jumping off points for discussion amongst the Botify community members present. Enterprise SEOs in the audience joined the conversation with their own experiences and observations about JavaScript's impact on SEO, adding to the interactive vibe of the event.This collaborative atmosphere was supported by open dialogue, incisive questions, and community cooperation. At the end of the events, Botify community members rounded out the discussion with more food, drinks, and casual networking.Everybody learned something! And everybody taught something, too.

Get Ready for the Next BotifyCONNECT!

The audience for our most recent BotifyCONNECT was global, and the ideas were, too. Thanks to all the customers, team members, and enthusiasts who made this meeting of the minds possible! We couldn't have done it without you.The latest BotifyCONNECT represented a broad cross section of our rapidly growing community. The event saw some of world's best enterprise SEOs, teaming up to tackle the top issues and opportunities in search optimization today. And we can't wait to do it all over again in the coming months.Stay tuned on our Twitter and Facebook for more details. See you there!

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