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Best Search Software Tool In The US

 min read
October 13, 2016
The Botify Team

That's right‚ we won!

Botify is the Best Search Software Tool in the US!

Botify US Search Awards 2016 Winner

US Search Awards 2016 Winner

Botify is so excited to have won in such an important category at the US Search Awards. After making the shortlist in three great categories, we are thrilled to take home the prize for Best Search Software Tool!

Botify wins US Search Awards

In the midst of PubCon this week in Las Vegas, the best and brightest minds in the industry - spanning both SEO and Paid search - gathered to celebrate each other's' successes. It was a huge night for everyone, highlighting great work in campaigns, software development, creative use of search, and lifetime achievements.CEO Adrien Menard commented, "The search marketing industry in the US is really competitive, so it's an honor to win for Best Search Software Tool. I'm really proud that our hard work has been recognized by our own community. We've had a great year, providing solutions for big clients like eBay, AirBnB, and Expedia, and it's all thanks to our passionate group of developers, customer service representatives, and all of our team that works hard to make an award-winning product!"

Botify Web Crawler & Log Analyzer

Fresh off our win in the same category - Best Search Software Tool - at the EU Search Awards, and our exciting presentation on stage at the TechCrunch Disrupt 2016 Startup Battlefield, we are geared up to power through the rest of 2016 with great developments to the Botify platform on both the Crawler and Log Analyzer sides.With great new features implemented in the past few months - including Content Quality Analysis and new Segment filters - and big enhancements coming soon, we're focused on making Botify the strongest it can be to help our users get in-depth insights into their websites, boost organic traffic, and drive revenue.We believe Botify offers the best, most comprehensive Search Marketing Analytics tool in the industry, and we're proud to think the judges at the US Search Awards this year agree!

Want to learn more? Connect with our team for a Botify demo!
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