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AMP Parity: Navigate Google's Latest Evolution With New Content Quality Reports For AMP Pages

 min read
February 8, 2018
The Botify Team

Since February 1st, Google has been officially requiring AMP and canonical pages to match or to share "close parity" with one another.As always, Botify wants to help you evolve coequal to Google. And our latest innovation, AMP Parity, will certainly keep your SEO in step with this latest change.AMP Parity enables you to measure content similarity between your AMP pages and their corresponding canonical pages, side-by-side. The feature helps you understand if and to what extent content parity impacts the visibility of your AMP pages in the SERPs.Botify remains the only platform that can crawl AMP pages and tie them back to 500+ content, ranking, and technical SEO KPIs. But now, with the introduction of AMP Parity, Botify customers can take their AMP optimizations even one step further.

Why Now? A Brief Explanation of Google's Policy

Content parity for AMP pages was already a requirement before Google's recent policy change. But with the new addition, Google has stepped up the enforcement of this requirement. The reason: sites are using AMP pages thats content does not match the content on their canonical page. This can create a poor user experience. For example, some sites are using "teaser pages," or incomplete pages that link back to other pages with full content.Google made clear in the announcement that AMP is still not a ranking signal (yet). However, AMP/canonical pages that don't have high content parity will not be considered for search features that require AMP, such as the Top Stories carousel.

AMP Parity: Combining Botify's Unparalleled AMP & Content Quality Metrics to Bolster Page Equality

AMP Parity enables you to make side-by-side visual comparisons of the similarity between AMP and canonical pages. Break down your AMP pages with a "similarity score" (i.e. percent similarity to canonical page). Use contextualized graphs to manipulate the similarity scores for your AMP pages across a number of axes.View the entire distribution of your AMP pages' similarity scores. See which have 25% parity, 50% parity, etc to understand how well your AMP pages are optimized across your site, and hone in on optimization priorities.Understand AMP pages in terms of "warning pages", or pages at risk of being flagged as inequivalent, versus optimized pages with equivalent content. This distinction speeds the process of optimization by automatically identifying pages that are suffering from poor parity.Botify's AMP Parity allows you to tie, for the first time, content parity to organic visits. Toggle views between active/not active URLs on customizable charts to understand the way traffic is distributed, by similarity score, across AMP pages.Breakdown similarity scores by segment. Understand how AMP parity is distributed across your site. Prioritize AMP pages from strategically important site sections. Isolate those valuable AMP pages with low similarity scores, and retool these pages using Botify's 500+ SEO KPIs.Tie AMP pages to Visits data to understand the relationship between page similarity score and traffic. Isolate user experience metrics like session duration and bounce rate alongside similarity score.These are just some of the graphs and metrics AMP Parity offers to enable page similarity optimizations.

The Impact of AMP Parity: All Pages Are Created Equal

AMP Parity allows you to compare content similarity between your AMP pages and their corresponding canonical pages, all with the full visibility of the Botify platform. Measure content parity across your site, and understand how that parity impacts your AMP pages in the SERPs with important user experience metrics like bounce rate and session duration. Or view your site by segment to identify which parity problems to tackle first.Use Botify, and AMP Parity, to meet the challenges of the ever-changing SEO landscape with the preparedness and the confidence that will put you at least one step ahead of the competition!

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